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This is where I share occasional musings on all things type, design, and business.
Hi, I’m Jen Wagner

We gotta stop.

As women in business, we need to do more of one thing.

Delete that last sentence.

What sentence am I talking about? The ones that go like this…

“But if that doesn’t work for your timeline, just let me know!”

“But I can be flexible on the budget if that doesn’t quite work for you.”

“I typically don’t _____, but…”

Stop Apologizing

Stop apologizing, compromising, and undervaluing yourself! You don’t need to be apologetic about your pricing, services, offers, or boundaries before you even start. We teach people how to treat us, so self-respect commands respect from others. If you don’t stick to the own boundaries you set for yourself, then how can you expect anyone else to do that?

Your Dream Clients Will Always Respect You

You’re not losing out on clients by saying no to the ones that can’t see your value and respect your boundaries. Those are not your dream clients. Your dream clients are ones that understand your value, respect you, pay you on time, admire your work, and respect your boundaries.

You Know What You’re Doing — Act Like It!

Be unapologetic and stand confident about the value you have to offer to your clients. You’ll be able to transform yourself into the most powerful and aligned version of yourself. You deserve to take up space and get paid the rates that you desire. If you feel like you are not ready or confident to stand in your power by tomorrow, then don’t worry! It takes time for all of us to work on this and I don’t think anyone can do it in a day. Sometimes I still catch myself writing that last sentence and it just takes time. One day it will be natural for me, and all of us, to not even write that last sentence.

It gets more natural to me day by day. By deleting that last sentence, I’ve boosted my confidence and self-worth in truly powerful ways. It becomes a choice to ask for what I need. It’s made not just my business better, but more importantly, my self-perception and self-worth.

There will always be a spot for you to stand in your power, even if you’re just trying to fake it till you make it.

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